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Propane Supplier in Little Falls MN | Safety: Propane Tanks & Snow Build-Up


Updated: Sep 27, 2023

Did you know snow build-up can impact the performance of your propane system? Here are some safety guidelines to help keep you and your family safe, and ensure our drivers can reach your tank to fill it when needed. If you're looking for a safe and reliable Propane Supplier in Little Falls MN, look no further than our expert team at Centra Sota Coop.

Keep driveway cleared of snow and maintain a path to your propane tank.
Propane tank with snow removed properly for access, Propane Supplier in Little Falls
Here's an example of a properly cleared access to a tank; photo credit MN Propane Assoc

This ensures that you, your propane supplier, and emergency personnel can reach your tank when needed. Remember - a propane delivery truck needs at least a 10' wide path when delivering fuel to your home. When plowing, snow blowing, or shoveling, do not push or pile snow around your tank, meter, regulator or piping.

Keep tank free of accumulating ice and snow.

Propane tank covered in snow, Propane Supplier in Little Falls
Snow covered tanks can create a dangerous situation! Photo credit: MN Propane Assoc

When snow and ice accumulate on your tank, it could cause parts of your system to crack or break, resulting in a leak.

If your tank becomes completely covered in snow, it insulates your tank. This can create issues for the propane's ability to vaporize, and could cause your system to stop working, even if there is still propane in the tank.

It's your responsibility to ensure that all propane tanks, pipes, valves, and regulators are clear of ice and snow.

Gently brush away snow or ice around the tank, meter, regulator and any other piping. If you notice snow or ice build-up that can't be removed easily, please reach out to your propane supplier for assistance. Do NOT attempt to remove ice or snow by hitting, kicking, or using force on equipment.

Regulator with vent on side of house, Propane Supplier in Little Falls
Regulator on side of house, showing vent. Vent must be clear of snow and ice. Photo credit: MN Propane Assoc
Keep Vents Clear!

Appliance vents and chimney flues must always be clear of ice and snow. Some homes may have direct vents, which are close to the ground. These should be inspected for ice to ensure proper venting. Improper venting can cause carbon monoxide to become trapped in your home, causing serious illness or even death.

Mark your tank and regulator!

Use a brightly colored stake or flag taller than the maximum anticipated snow depth to mark your tank. You should also mark your secondary pressure regulator, usually located near the side of your home. See photo above. Having these marked will help emergency personnel to locate your equipment quickly if needed.

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