Conservation Education, Cover Crops Series - Issue 8

How is Triticale planted?
Plant in mid-July to mid-October
Ground temperatures should be 65 degrees
Plant a minimum of 50 lbs/acre depending on use
Planting depth should be 3/4" to 1 1/2"
The story behind Triticale
Grain hybrid cross between wheat and rye that was first bred in Germany and Scotland in the late 19th century
Has become a critical grain crop and cover crop in over 30 countries
Triticale was bred to provide the yield and quality of wheat with the hardiness of rye
Mainly used as a forage, Triticale is only recently being used as a cover crop
The benefits of Triticale
Triticale produces large amounts of biomass that add nutrients back into the soil when tilled under or used as forage.
The large biomass is also useful cover for reducing erosion.
Triticale should be planted in the middle of July and not later than mid-October. The grain should have some growth before colder temperatures and winter occur.
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