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Seed Supplier in Little Falls MN | What You Need to Know About XTEND® and LIBERTY LINK® Beans


Updated: Sep 27, 2023

Seed Supplier in Little Falls MN

With the excitement of launch of products on the market that allow more flexibility in using soybean technologies, there has been equally as much confusion. What are Liberty Link® and Xtend® soybeans? How are they different? Each technology is unique and has its own advantages and challenges. Understanding them is the key to deciding if they are right for you and your operation. Finding the right Seed Supplier in Little Falls MN isn't easy, but with these tips you might find the perfect solution for your business.


  • Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Xtend® Soybeans is the industry’s first biotech-stacked soybean trait with both dicamba (Group 4) and glyphosate (Group 9) herbicide tolerance.

    • Gives farmers access to additional tools to help control glyphosate-resistant broadleaf weeds such as waterhemp, along with other tough-to-control broadleaf weeds such as lambsquarters and velvetleaf.

  • XtendiMax™ with VaporGrip® dicamba herbicide introduces a significant reduction in volatility potential compared to other dicamba formulations. VaporGrip® technology helps to prevent the formulation of dicamba acid, and therefore provides growers and applicators confidence in on-target application of dicamba.

  • By pairing XtendiMax™ with VaporGrip® herbicide with Xtend® soybeans, growers can harness the power of dicamba to combat tough to control weeds, and reduces the risk of affecting surrounding crops.

  • Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Xtend® technology is available in soybeans and cotton.

Seed Supplier in Little Falls MN


  • LibertyLink® was developed to stack the soybeans with Liberty® resistance.

  • The LibertyLink® system couples high-performing genetics coupled with Liberty’s (Group 10) excellent weed control on tough-to-control and resistant weeds for high yields that deliver.

  • Liberty® is a Group 10 herbicide, and has the ability to control grass and broadleaf weeds®

  • LibertyLink® technology is available in canola, corn, cotton, and soybeans.

  • The LibertyLink® system does not have drift issues or buffer requirements (when following labeled instructions)

Both Liberty and Xtend beans have advantages and drawbacks. Work with your Centra Sota agronomist to develop a plan based on the needs of your individual operation. Your Centra Sota agronomist will help you decipher through the rhetoric and make the most economical decision for your farm.

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