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Winter Camelina

Conservation Education, Cover Crops Series - Issue 6

How is Winter Camelina planted?

  • Plant at a depth of 1/4"

  • For best growth, plant between mid-July and mid-October

  • Planting rates will vary based on method of seeding and use, but should be in 1-5 lb/acre range

  • Bred to be winter-hardy into the cool northern climates of the Upper Midwest

Winter camelina as a cash crop

  • Camelina contains roughly 35 to 45% oil in its seed

  • Oil is commonly used in pet food, and is currently being researched for future use as industrial biofuel or bioplastics

  • Camelina will bolt in the spring and mature in June when seeds can be harvested

What are the benefits of Winter Camelina?

  • Winter camelina will provide cover and reduce the amount of erosion and will break up soil compaction with its taproot that reaches deep into the soil profile.

  • Camelina helps eliminate nitrate and phosphorus contamination in surface and groundwaters.

  • Flowers of camelina will provide nectar and pollen to pollinators in the spring.

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